Looking for help with a dynamic website importing data from external API
- English
I'm working on a project for a client that is essentially a business directory, it was originally built using WP Geo Directory, but now the client wants the data for the site to come from their CRM system, via external API so I have updated it to jetengine/crocoblock and used WPGetAPI to connect to the API endpoints, also using the API To Posts plugin (also WPGetAPI) I have imported the data into CPTs rather than loading dynamically displaying from the API (using JetEngine listings) to allow more front end features and to give me options for building relationships between CPTs.
I have the list data from the API working well and have also created Archive and Single pages for each section, but the issue I am having is how to handle data arrays (and sub-arrays) for the detail endpoint (single page), and adding these as custom meta to the single pages.
The business directory includes sections for;
- Clubs (CPT)
- Members (CPT + needs relationship with WP user)
- Events (CPT)
- Venues (CPT)
This is an ongoing project so would be interested in anyone who can help with the above mentioned issue, but also looking for on going assistance with the next versions of the site which will include further customisation including user profile section where WP user is associated with Member, Club, Events and other front end specific features that will update data in external CRM via API (update profile details, etc).
If this is of interest please let me know how you would like to approach this. I can of course provide all api docs and give access to staging site I'm currently working on as required.
If you need any more information please just ask.