
German, English, Swahili
#ID : 50
By : Bryson Kimario
October 9, 2024
Description :


I have a website built on Elementor and jetEngine. It is a tour website and at the end of each tour are pricing packages for that specific tour made from repeater fields.

I need to arrange the prices in an organized table or tabs.

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to :
$ 20
English, Portuguese
#ID : 49
By : Victor Carvalho
October 3, 2024
Description :

Whats up Guys. My name is Victor, I'm from Rio, Brasil. And I new to the JetEngine plugin, i'm trying to understand all the functionalities of the plugin, but it is being a little tought to me.
I'm creating a Members area site. The site has 3 users roles: Student, Human Resources (HR), and Teachers.
So, the Teacher has to have the power to create a enterprise (I have created a CPT called ''Enterprises". So, every enterprise created will be a post os this CPT.). And Every enterprise have their own page. And in this page, I created a listing to show only users connect to the specifc post(entreprise). This page will be avaible to see only for the Teachers and HR roles, okay? My problem is that i cant find out how to connect the users to this specifc post(enterprise). I've tried to create a Relation, but i think that i made it wrong because it apears that the user is connect to all the posts, i just dont know why. Every Student belongs to a created enterprise. The Student can only be connect to 1 post(enterprise). I believe thats it. If you can help me, I will be very very glad. Thank you so much!

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Subject : Units Manager
#ID : 48
By : Mia van Heerden
August 25, 2024
Description :

I am looking for someone to assist me with our holdiay rental website, Airbtc. We have currently been uploading single properties which has worked fine, but I am sitting with +/- 10 Hotels/Resorts that I need to upload. It would be nice if I can upload the Hotel/Resort and list the Units for each instead of uploading each unit or room seperately as a single property.

Can anyone show me how this works or help me understand the function of unit manager, we are using the Balirento theme

Is this possible?

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#ID : 47
By : Veronica Neuhard
August 10, 2024
Description :

hi! We have created a listing in order to showcase the variation of a product with its own add to cart button, price and title. We have added a dynamy field for the title which should be just the variant name but for some reason it shows the procut name and variation name together. Is there a way to show only the variation name? thx!

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#ID : 46
By : Matt P
August 9, 2024
Description :

I am fairly new to Crocoblock (6 months or so) and have built a good demo site however I require an experienced eye for someone to look at my set-up and advise on any optimisation techniques or perform some enhancements to ensure that the site is robust and most efficient for when we launch in one month's time. I envisage a block of hours assigned to this task where we can quantitively measure improvements between now and afterwards in simple terms. Also any advice on common pre-live checks (or errors to avoid).

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$ 100
#ID : 45
By :
August 2, 2024
Description :

Use Crocoblock Jetengine to create full post review system. 

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#ID : 44
By : Dai Dinh
July 23, 2024
Description :

Below is the code that calculates the ratio and collapses the number according to my requirements. However I don't know how to make the divisor and multiplier fields appear as dynamic tags. Can someone help me rewrite it correctly?


// Nếu file này được gọi trực tiếp, thì dừng lại.
if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {
class Custom_Proportional_Format_Currency_Callback {
public static $instance = null;
public function __construct() {
add_filter( 'jet-engine/listings/allowed-callbacks', array( $this, 'add_custom_callback' ), 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'jet-engine/listing/dynamic-field/callback-args', array( $this, 'add_field_to_args' ), 10, 3 );
add_filter( 'jet-engine/listings/allowed-callbacks-args', array( $this, 'callback_controls' ) );
public function add_custom_callback( $callbacks ) {
$callbacks['custom_proportional_and_format_currency'] = 'Proportional and Format Currency';
return $callbacks;
public function callback_controls( $args = array() ) {
$args['divisor'] = array(
'label'       => esc_html__( 'Divisor', 'jet-engine' ),
'type'        => 'number',
'default'     => 1,
'label_block' => true,
'dynamic_tags' => array(
'enabled' => true,
'condition'   => array(
'dynamic_field_filter' => 'yes',
'filter_callback'      => array( 'custom_proportional_and_format_currency' ),
$args['multiplier'] = array(
'label'       => esc_html__( 'Multiplier', 'jet-engine' ),
'type'        => 'number',
'default'     => 1,
'label_block' => true,
'dynamic_tags' => array(
'enabled' => true,
'condition'   => array(
'dynamic_field_filter' => 'yes',
'filter_callback'      => array( 'custom_proportional_and_format_currency' ),
return $args;
public function calculated_field( $field_value = null, $divisor = 1, $multiplier = 1 ) {
if ( ! $divisor || ! $multiplier ) {
return $field_value;
$proportional_value = ( $field_value / $divisor ) * $multiplier;
return $this->format_currency( $proportional_value );
public function format_currency( $number ) {
if ( $number >= 1000000000 ) {
return number_format( $number / 1000000000, 0, ',', ',' ) . ' tỷ';
} elseif ( $number >= 1000000 ) {
return number_format( $number / 1000000, 0, ',', ',' ) . ' triệu';
} elseif ( $number >= 1000 ) {
return number_format( $number / 1000, 0, ',', ',' ) . ' ngàn';
} else {
return number_format( $number, 0, ',', ',' );
public function add_field_to_args( $args, $callback, $settings = array() ) {
if ( 'custom_proportional_and_format_currency' === $callback ) {
$args[] = isset( $settings['divisor'] ) ? $settings['divisor'] : 1;
$args[] = isset( $settings['multiplier'] ) ? $settings['multiplier'] : 1;
return $args;
public static function instance() {
if ( is_null( self::$instance ) ) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
function custom_proportional_and_format_currency( $field_value = null, $divisor = 1, $multiplier = 1 ) {
try {
$result = Custom_Proportional_Format_Currency_Callback::instance()->calculated_field( $field_value, $divisor, $multiplier );
} catch( Exception $e ) {
return $e->getMessage();
return $result;
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#ID : 43
By : Devon Jordaan
July 17, 2024
Description :

Hi, what is the best way to build this:
But in a more store type of way so that it can later be turned into a shop? I have used woocommerce quote plugin before but it is terrible when it comes to responding to quotes.
Any ideas?

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