I need some help!
- English
Hi I'm working on paid community site and I need some support to handle a growing number developer tasks. The site hosts a six-week health and wellness challenge with a daily habit check-in and reporting feature, social groups and messaging.
My stack:
WP, Elementor, BuddyBoss, JetEngine, WP Automator, Fluent CRM, WPFusion (for adding tags), WooCommerce (for payments and order processing), Affiliate WP (for affiliate & sharing)
Deep Experience with BuddyBoss, WPAutomator and JetEngine is required here.
Basics: Upon payment via WooCommerce, WP Automator sets up new user, adds them to a BB group, creates FluentCRM contact, etc..
There is an invite friends feature that allows a user to create a hidden buddyboss group and use a invite others to join that private group (after they make
-> fixing Woo Commerce auto-login so that after they purchase membership, they are forced to set password and then taken to a GetStarted page. right now, WooCommerce shows order confirmation and automatically logs user in. I need the user to immediately create a password and then be logged in to the Get Started Page.
-> fixing lost password process (right now, the lost password link sends a user to a blank page)
-> getting WP automator to work consistently. It's missing some steps in the user setup process.
- I have a repeater field in a form to capture emails that the user wants to invite. I need help getting the repeater field data into the CCT and then either adding the users to FluentCRM and sending an email or just sending an invitation email.
- Right now, clicking on product listing on the front page, instead of going to a checkout page, a "view cart" link shows. I need to go from click to checkout, skipping the cart, if possible.
So yeah, a bunch of little fixit tasks that are slowing me down in a big way. They're probably settings I don't know well enough. I'd like to find someone I can work with ongoing to support custom development with bug fixing, QA, etc..
The site is www.thesixweekwithian.com, but this is not yet designed and is just my place to hack code. I'll need help setting up a staging environment.
Please send me BuddyBoss sites that you've worked on.